Friday, January 30, 2009

100 Things, Five at a time.....

We've all seen these lists. They started a bazillion years ago in blog land. I vaguely recall doing one after seeing it somewhere after several late night surfing trips. However, when they first appeared, they were mostly one-liners that just hinted on the subject but never really explained the whole who, what, where, when and why of them.

So here we go again. This is my attempt at that list, one more time. This time I'd like to think I'm a little bit wiser, a little more real, with absolutely no desire to impress anyone. Most importantly I will have no intention of censoring myself and who I am.......

1. I color my hair. I'm not ashamed of it. I first started going grey when I was in my mid 20's. Yes, it's true, that was a couple of decades ago, I have so moved on. My dad started going grey in his 30's. It's genetics, it is what it is. I'm not a better person for it, or a worse person because of it. I have enough confidence in myself to know it doesn't define who I am......

2. My astrological sign is Cancer. I love the water. And where do I live? In the middle of the friggin' desert!! What's up with that? When I shut my eyes, I know down the road I will be living on the coast somewhere, anywhere. I have three sisters and a brother in South Carolina. I've been there several times and I love it. The humidity is tough, but the water was beautiful. But you know, I am a westerner, and I love it! My heart is on the West Coast. I love the Pacific. But when all is said and done, it's the water that I desire the most. I get lost in the peaceful movement of the water, the feeling of sun kissed cheeks, the tightness the salt brings to my skin, the feel of the breeze on my body and the smell of the ocean as I inhale. I guess, that is why I spend so many of my vacations on the beach somewhere, Mexico, Hawaii, anywhere where the sun is warm and the sand is soft......

3. I don't do sick. I know that sounds like an odd statement but so far up to this point in my life (o.k. show me some wood, so I can knock!!) I am relatively healthy. Yes, I could lose some weight, yes, I could build some muscle. But when it comes to the every day life kind of sickness I am relatively healthy. Because of my job I come into contact with several, students a day who are sick with the cold, the flu, pink eye, lice, whatever. And you know, after three years, I have faired extremely well. If I dare to venture beyond this job to the one before, that I held for 18 years, I could say the same. I don't get sick easily. I have a very strong immune system. I don't know why, maybe alcohol kills things, maybe some of it is mental, who knows. But, all in all I'm an ox. I have a 0% call in rate for my employer and the one before that, with the exception of a funeral here and there due to the loss of both my parents......

4. I detest snobbery. O.K. so maybe that isn't a word, but the idea, concept of it, still evokes disgust on my part. I find people shallow who judge people from the house they live in, the cars they drive, the books they read, where they live or the job they have. I don't care what art you appreciate, what operas you go to, or the plays you view. It doesn't matter. Unless you have experienced all walks of life you how can you judge anyone or anything? The words of a famous dead poet over that of an passionate angry young soul are unique unto their own. Arrogance annoys me. I haven't the time or the patience. It doesn't impress me......

5. The older I get, the more scared I get about losing a family member or friend. When I was younger, I took waking up for granted. I had my next day all planned out to the minute (give or take a few). However, this year I have lost a couple of friends due to death. I'm not ancient. I'm under 50, but they were barely over it, and they are gone. A lot of people my age are not faced with death. Most of them still have both parents, or perhaps they have lost one. Until you no longer have either parent and have nothing left to cling to but your siblings and your immediate family, it's a hard thing to imagine. God forbid you didn't have any children, how lonely you would be. Loss sucks. Death sucks. Find a soul to cling to and love, and cherish it with all your heart, because you know what? Someday, even that soul will be gone.......

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Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough

Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough