Sunday, May 29, 2005

Me, Defined..................

Not so long ago I was spending some time with an old friend. I'm not too sure how the topic came up but she spoke about her husband. She said, "He's the smartest man I know." My first response was, "Oh my God, how does anyone fill those shoes? But I said nothing I just listened to her words and logged them mentally in the back of my mind.

Days later I recalled the conversation and I wondered, "What am I?" What words would people use to define me? Certainty I am not so naive to imagine myself a being of intellectual superiority. I don't suppose that's ever been an ambition of mine. Intellectual dominance has never ranked high on my priority list. Don't get me wrong, stupid people annoy me. But then again stupid can be defined in a number of ways, perhaps even the smartest people can be stupid. It's all subjective I suppose. I kind of consider myself middle of the road intellectually. I don't sit around the kitchen table with my friends and contemplate the speed the earth rotates on it's axis or ponder quantum physics. The importance of any of this does not weigh heavily at night when I lay my head on my pillow!

So what does define me? In the rolodex of life what category would I be filed under?

I am a mother, a wife, a nurturer. I aspire to accomplish great things but I imagine my greatest aspiration is to raise my two boys to be caring, compassionate, passionate, inquisitive, happy young men.

I'm pathetic at joke telling but I can make a person laugh when they are feeling at their lowest. As a rule I'm fun loving, easy going and I love to be spontaneous. I love to trying new things, go new places and might have just enough stupidity in me to have a 'no-fear' attitude when experiencing new thrills.

I am competitive, determined and when playing games, not a very good loser! I will not quit and am easily annoyed with people who have a habit of not following through with things. Whatever I do, I try to do the best I possibly can. I tend to be a perfectionist with things that fill me with passion and I take pride in my work.

I can nurture your soul and elevate your spirit. I'm a loyal supporter and I have the ability to help people see light at the end of their darkest tunnel. I believe in the impossible and the unseen. I see potential in the smallest things. I prefer not to surround myself with pessimists, naysayers and people who give off negative energy.

I'm a spiritual soul though religion doesn't play a heavy role in this spirituality. I believe in God, Kharma, fate and destiny. The very things 'smart' people love to dissect and attempt to disprove and mock. There are things I know with every ounce of my being that I can't explain, an inner sense if you will. If I betray or fail to act on this sense, I always end up on the wrong side of right.

O.K. with that said, "What category do I fall into in the rolodex of life?"

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Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough

Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough