Sunday, May 22, 2005

Life Revisited.........

My "Ah-Ha" Moments...........

Oprah often has a section in her magazine titled my "Ah-Ha" Moments or "What I Know For Sure". While it's taken me quite some time to recognize these moments that define the things that truly matter in my life, I believe I finally have. As I approach my 41'st year (hey, I never said I was a quick learner!) life is becoming a bit clearer. While I'm having one of those enlightened moments of clarity I guess I should recognize a few of those "Ah-Ha Moments" so when life gets a little hazy again I can look back and remember just what they were, in no particular order...........

Life is too short to live for what was, what could have been, what should have been. Life is for living the reality that is. If we don't like our reality then we must change it or learn to accept and thrive within it.

I've truly loved very few people in my life, not all of them loved me to the same degree as I did them. Love isn't about changing people to fit our needs, we can't 'make' people love us or desire us to the same degree we do them. Not everyone we meet in this life has the ability to meet all our needs and maybe just maybe that's enough.

People change for the good and the bad, perhaps that's the circle of life. If we do not change we do not grow. But when we do grow, we don't always grow in the same direction, at the same pace. Without growth we wither and die losing the spirit that makes us thrive.

Happiness and contentment cannot be found in another person, another environment, another circumstance. True happiness can only be found from within. If we are not content in our own being we cannot possibly expect to find it elsewhere.

People who have never had children can never possibly understand the impact they have on your life! (yeah, I know all you mommy blog hater's are rolling your eyes!) For all my life I've wanted children. I've always known they would play an important role in my life. Children are the essence of life. Through the eyes of a child you can imagine anything, believe anything, dream anything and have they have the faith of a 90 year old monk! My children have taught me that despite what goes on in my world, all of it seems miniscule when it comes to their world. At the end of a long exhausting day nothing can pick you up more then a hug from your child or hearing the words "I love you Mommy".

Inner peace keeps you alive. We all make choices daily that we must live with. While we may make the same choices we deal with them differently. We all have a different center of peace. We can all justify our choices on an individual basis and we may quite often disagree. Inner peace isn't up for debate, it isn't a thing that needs to be agreed upon. It's merely something that puts your soul at ease as you lay you head on your pillow each night. As we grow we learn what makes our souls thrive and what harms it. It's up to us as individuals to keep the essence of our being alive.

Life is full of moment's that bring clarity to each of us. We all have our "Ah-Ha" Moments or things we "know" for sure. What are yours?

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Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough

Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough