Friday, December 24, 2004

My Christmas Wish............

O.K. I know it's Christmas Eve and here I sit surfing BE! How sad is that!! Actually maybe it's not that bad, facts are I'm stalling! I'm waiting for the kids to head to bed so Santa can make his way to our tree.

Actually for once I think I have it together this year and I think I'm ahead of the game! (ask me again at 1:00am in the morning and my answer may be different!) The toys are built and batteries installed. And tomorrow morning there will not be one damn twisty tie to take off yet another toy! You know those ones they tie onto each package to prevent theft? Thing is, they can't just put one twisty they have to put 20!!!

Today we visited Santa and took pictures, and made cookies for him this afternoon. We later spent a 1/2 an hour on our neighbors roof putting down alfalfa grass for the reindeer. Come morning there will be a couple of goat droppings added and by then we'll totally have our kids screwed up for life!! Ah, the joys of parenthood!

So with that said, I shall make my Christmas Wish for my kids.....

I hope they keep the true spirit/magic of Christmas alive in their minds, hearts and their lives.

I hope their friends, their school, their city, their state, their country do not take that spirit/belief and stomp the crap out of it!

I hope my children will continue to believe in God or something with a higher power; other than those in Washington D.C. or Hollywood! And I hope that whatever that power may be; creates, nourishes and encourages passion for life and embraces differences of all religions and cultures.

I hope they believe that sometimes what is "popular," is not always whats best for ourselves, or the lives of the people around us or far away.

I hope they nuture their individuality and their beliefs with more passion then they do trying to be "Politically Correct".

I hope they believe in the impossible, the unimaginable, the invisible and the unseen.....................

I wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!! May you all believe in the magic and spirit of the season............


gail said...

Michelle, I Wish You and Yours a Very Merry Christmas!

MaxedOutMama said...


We do! And I bet because you do your kids will inherit that sense. Merry Christmas to your whole family!

jsdaughter said...

Beautiful post. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas....

Oh- and I think twisty-ties should be outlawed..

dr1/6 said...

a lil late, but MERRY X-MAS!!! and a happy new year too!


Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough

Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough