Saturday, December 11, 2004

33 Things About Me........

O.k Maybe it should have been titled "100 Things About Me"! But maybe I copped out and quit 1/3 of the way through knowing full well that if I did type the whole thing it would replace at least my 5 last posts!!! O.K. Maybe those posts took a little longer than this post did to compose. Maybe I'm selfish..........

1 My name is Michelle
2 I was born and raised in Reno, Nevada, and I am not ashamed of it
3 My favorite numbers are 7 & 11, not to be confused with 7-11
4 However, I do buy my coffee at 7-11
5 At the moment my favorite is 'Pumkin Spice Latte'
6 Not to be confused with Pumkin Ale which I bought in the spirit of Fall, (uuck!)
7 I love to drink wine and love to go to local wine tasting!
8 I also love to drink beer (but never again Pumpkin Ale!)
9 My favorite book is "the five people you meet in heaven" by Mitch Albom
10 I believe in destiny, soul mates, heaven and God
11 My mom had dementia and the beginning stages of Alzheimers
12 She died in the home I live in
13 I was there, it broke my heart, I still cry
14 When she died she didn't know I was her daughter
15 She thought I was a caregiver
16 She called my children waifs
17 I miss my mom
18 I am 40 years old and both my parents are gone
19 It is indeed a reality check
20 Unless you have experienced it first hand you cannot relate....
21 My husband is 51 years old
22 We have a 4 1/2 year old and a 6 year old
23 He will be approximately 63/64 when they graduate from high school
24 I will be 52, I hope I won't be an "old" mom
25 We will have been married for 10 years in April
26 Life is short, my dreams are big
26 I hope I outlive my dreams
27 I hope I will achieve my dreams
28 I hope the people I love will not forget their dreams
29 I hope my children have dreams far greater than my own
30 I hope when they are 40 they are not still waiting for their dreams to come true
31 I hope my dreams come true before I grow "old"
32 Writing is my passion
33 I need to write more............


mianderthal said...

when i did this list, i was more than tempted to just say "judge me". but then the whole point of the list will be lost. i just find it hard to describe myself hehe

Unknown said...

Hi, nice blog!
I see from your list that you enjoy visiting local wineries. Me, too!

If you ever find yourself in Oklahoma, it may interest you to know we have a Sparks Winery here in our state. My blog, Oklahoma Wine News, keeps an up to date listing. Stop by if your are ever in the area!

binventive said...

Regarding #20, I lost my Mom 6 years ago. I can relate, at least partially.

mw said...

I fully agree with #10, really enjoyed the rest.

I'll be 60 when my 3 year old graduates from high school, I empathize with your husband.


Michael Paul said...

Hey just surfing BE. I lived in Reno also. I'm only ashamed of what I did while I was there for 2yrs. I won't go into details. See Ya!!

Michael Paul

B.B. said...

Found you on BE. Nice place you have here. A couple of responses:

I walked in to my parents' RVB to find my father dead in his reading chair, so I know the pain you feel.

I live one state over from you, and if you like beer and wine, I highly recommend giving the stuff from here in Oregon a try. Especially our Pinot Noir wine and beer from the Rogue or Deschutes breweries.

squarepeg said...

hey there michelle! I am 51, and my husband is 40! How 'bout that? And I'm in many ways younger than him! Our daughter is 12. If she gets married at the same age I was when I got married, I'll be 77. So what? Beats the alternative!

Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough

Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough