Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas...........

I'm exhausted!! It is now officially Christmas morning (1:00 am). Everyone is fast asleep. Santa came and went, ate the cookies the kids and I baked tonight and drank the milk. The kids are wound as tight as a champagne cork, but thankfully fast asleep~

I try to recall the family traditions my family and I had on this night so many years ago when I was a child. I suppose it's my lack of memory that forces me to put so much pressure on myself to create new family traditions that my children will remember. It's not an easy job! I'm married to a man who was raised Jewish (hey, no problems there). I think it would be much easier if he practiced his religious beliefs and we were able to include Hanukkah in our holiday celebrations in the proper way. But no, he's half assed at everything. Thus, leaving me to read a children's book about Hanukkah and trying to put a Christians spin on the whole damn thing so they experience all aspects of this holiday. If my children don't totally end up so confused it will be a total miracle (lighting the candles and giving the gifts is the easy part! It's those damns Jewish prayers that get my tounge tied every time!)

Every year I spend Christmas Eve wrapping alone, playing Santa to his fullest potential and trying my best to keep the spirit and magic of Christmas alive. It's not an easy thing to do alone. At a time when I could so use a friend or a kindred spirit by my side, I find they are busy with their own families, their own traditions. Holidays are a tough, for everyone I suppose. There are so many expectations for this magical day.

So to all my friends who may read this today or a week from now when I cross their mind, I hope you and yours have/had a very Merry Christmas! And as the new year approaches I hope you find peace and contentment in the choices you make and the lives you lead............ Be well my friends, be well...........

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Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough

Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough