Thursday, September 01, 2005

Enough of this Bullshit!..........

It's fast approaching midnight on Thursday night. I'm tired and exhausted. I've been watching Katrina news on t.v. all day. I have been searching for my best friends face on the screen, and nothing. I've visited dozens of websites typing her name in every 'Search' box I can find, and nothing. I haven't heard from her since Sunday. She had just arrived at the Superdome when she had called. I can't fall asleep, I can't get the images out of my head. I feel like puking . I feel like part of me is missing, my heart hurts...........

If I read one more friggin' blog bitching about our President and our country and how all of this could have been prevented, how much better another party could have dealt with it, I really am going to puke! It is people like you that destroy the very core of what we as Americans should stand for, unity in the face of crises; regardless of the friggin little box you checked at the DMV or on your voters registration card! Now is not the time to climb your pitiful political platforms casting stones. You want things to be different? Then do something other then your spewing your armchair politics! Get off your ass and do something positive. Build up our country rather then tear it down. And for God's sake just once take a deep breath and think before you speak. What will make this country stronger rather then divide it during this awful catasrophe, before you spout your dissatisfaction of this country I love and I call home! PLEASE!!!

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Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough

Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough