Sunday, February 20, 2005

A Life Worth Living.....................

Earlier today I spent some time talking with an old friend about life, marriage, religion, politics, growing older, dying, the whole damn schpill! Topics that only drunk people in bars dare dwell on (or dear friends.) You know those topics, the taboo ones.... The ones so powerful, they trigger emotional responses and ignite a power of conviction and the belief in what makes you who you are. The ones that show or teach you just what a person is truly made of. But sometimes, just sometimes, its those conversations that make you ponder your own life and remind you what makes you thrive within your very being.

During that conversation the topic of Terry Schiavo came up along with the whole life/death quality of life thing. I'm not even going to go dip into the whole religious, moral, personnel thing of it all. This post isn't about right or wrong or the legality of it all, but rather, "life is short". Whether we live to be 40, 50, or 100. There are always things we wish we'd done, when looking back at our lives. We have no control over many of the events, circumstances and sometimes the outcome of the life we've lived. In the end, so much of it isn't really in our control, whether it be God, disease, acts of random violence, the government or the decision of others. Our life can be over in a moment and with it, our opportunity to live it fully.

So with that in thought and after consuming a few glasses of wine I've come to the conclusion that while I may not have total control of my life nor its length. I do however have control over it's quality, content and the memories I create; the opportunities I seize, as well as those that I don't. So here I go making yet another one of those endless blog lists!
"Things I want to do before I no longer have the choice or die....."
1. I want to grow old enough to see my children become responsible, productive adults with children of their own.
2. Travel to at least 10 other countries other then my own.
3. Write and publish a best selling novel/book (more books, more countries, funny how that works!)
4. Spend a summer/year in another country doing charitable/aide work and write/photograph about it.
5. Climb a mountain, swim a sea, cross the desert and feel the ocean breeze
6. Have the courage to take the steps, seize the moment and believe in my destiny.
7. Be a stronger, more physically fit person able to live long enough to do it all.....
8. Live to be a healthy 80+ with my soul mate by my side watching every sunset as if it were our first.
9. To grow old with good friends and the people I love by my side, laughing & living.
10. Have lived a life worth living, without any coulda', woulda', shoulda's......
What, just 10 things? Hell no! But hey, it's a start!!!


The Cure said...

I really like your latest post, I am 23, still young but I have been thinking a lot about that kind of stuff. I just wrote a Post about it today actually and then stumbled upon your site. I hope you accomplish everything on that list and more!

Justhere2020 said...

good luck

Ella said...

This has inspired me to make my own list. I hope you achieve everything on yours, and more!

Muhammad said...

These are the thoughts people should be thinking about :) I like it.

Keep it up.


Jason said...

Jump at 13,000 ft from a perfectly good airplane. Nothing like it...


Onotheo said...

This is such a good reminder, thanks.

Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough

Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough