Thursday, September 23, 2004

Reflections On The Past...........

This will be a little blurb where I ramble aimlessly thinking non-stop, trying my best to put my thoughts into words. A reflection on life, such as it is………

Life has an odd way of changing mid-course in your life. At a moments notice you wake up one day and realize you are somewhere you never planned/expected/dreamed you would be. You’ve woken in a place you could never imagine in your best dreams or worst nightmares. You shut your eyes and try to rationalize just what your dreams were, and where they went, versus what your dreams are. Sometimes they can be so very far apart and yet so close, edging on the brink of reality.

I have often wondered what happens in each of our lives that we let go of the dream that was, to reach out to the dream more achievable, but accessible? Still satisfying, but not soul-nourishing. Did we give up? Stop believing in our abilities, our potential? Or did we grow tired of the search, the hunt the challenge and settle for the less stressful, less taxing more simple life? Still full of twists and turns, but always heading in a direction away from the self you thought you were, the self you always believed you could be.

Alas, ramblings on my mind………………..

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Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough

Damn, Sometimes Words Aren't Enough